vor 5 Jahren

ONELIFE #38 – French

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  • Rover
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  • Shenzhen
  • Nouveau
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  • Evoque
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Land Rover’s Onelife magazine showcases stories from around the world that celebrate inner strength and the drive to go Above and Beyond. New perspectives meet old traditions - these contrasts unite in the latest issue of ONELIFE. Together with Landrover we travelled around the globe. From the high-tech city of Shenzhen in China to the carnival subculture in Brazil to Wuppertal. We got to know one of the oldest space travelers, technology visionaries and watch lovers, just as the new Range Rover Evoque. An exciting journey through the world of yesterday, today and tomorrow.


ONELIFE L E M E I L L E U R D E V O T R E M O N D E DEMEURE IMPÉRISSABLE À la découverte des créations peu connues de l’architecte moderniste Richard Neutra en Europe ÉTINCELLES Comment la ville de Shenzhen se projette dans la future Chine éternelle et… durable ROCKETMAN Seuls quatre hommes peuvent aujourd’hui se targuer d’avoir foulé le sol lunaire. L’un d’entre eux nous raconte N U M É R O 3 8 PRINTEMPS 2019 T R I O M P H E O L Y M P I E N AU VOLANT DU NOUVEAU RANGE ROVER EVOQUE À ATHÈNES