vor 7 Jahren

ONELIFE #34 – American English

  • Text
  • Onelife
  • Land
  • Rover
  • Rover
  • Velar
  • Vehicles
  • Jaguar
  • Defender
  • Audio
  • Bonanza
  • Luxury
Land Rover steht für höchste Allradkompetenz, umfassenden Komfort und anspruchsvolle Technik. Diesem Geländewagen ist kein Weg zu weit und keine Aufgabe zu schwer – getreu dem Slogan „Above and Beyond“. ONELIFE vermittelt Land Rover-Kunden genau dieses Gefühl von Abenteuer und Freiheit.


INTRODUCING THE RANGE ROVER VELAR float on the piano-black finish of the lower screen. They can control anything volume, temperature or driving settings with the screen around them and their center changing accordingly. “Land Rover has been using touchscreens for a long time,” says Damian Krupiński, the Jaguar Land Rover Infotainment Project Manager, “so it was natural to expand touch control to the climate, seats and Terrain Response ® *. Yes, it’s an innovation, but we’re going to be compared with smartphones and tablets. They’re all getting smarter and more intuitive. We need to move that way with our vehicles, too. We have learned how to interact with our devices, and we don’t expect our customers to learn again just because they’re in one of our vehicles.” The reasoning behind this echoes a fundamentally smarter approach to vehicle design, present in all the Velar model’s details and features. As a car designed for a new market, it needs to look and feel in line with other technologies we have already come to love. “The big difference is that you look at your smartphone while you’re using it, so you don’t need physical feedback. However, when you’re driving, you will need to know that you’ve changed a setting without looking down. But we still wanted to keep the physical controls to a minimum. This is why we came up with these rotary controls, which give feedback and can be utilized without looking, but which we can still configure any way we “FOR ME, THE BIG THEME may want,” Damian says. “Elegant simplicity, sophistication, refinement and an unwavering belief WITH THE RANGE ROVER in reductionism have been fully employed, with switches VELAR IS HOW TECHNOLOGY being kept to an absolute minimum to help create a calm sanctuary. This puts more emphasis on getting ENABLES DESIGN” the proportions of the interior architecture right.” GERRY MCGOVERN Novel details abound in this calm but striking cabin. Exclusively developed for Velar, wool trim from Danish design-textile maker Kvadrat will sit alongside the highest-grade leather on the options list. Noiseless and surprisingly cool to sit on, wool was once seen as the most luxurious material in which to trim car seats. It is still used on the rear seats of the state limousines of the British Royal family and the Japanese Imperial household. The Velar is bringing it back to slightly more accessible luxury cars. “Velar brings a lot of ideas that challenge traditional preconceptions of luxury, and this is one of them,” says Amy Frascella, Land Rover’s Chief Designer for Color and Materials. “It was an exciting project. Yes, it needs to be a Range Rover. But as Gerry said, we could be freer in our thinking because we were going into a new segment of the market. We want to lead in car material design; we also want to offer a wider choice than just leather. Wool has properties that leather doesn’t. Some people find it more comfortable. They might choose it for a cultural or personal reason, or for the climate in which they live. And of course, some of our design-conscious buyers will already have Kvadrat in their home or office.” Aesthetics, however, include a number of elements coming together in symphony, and looks in this regard is just one of these notes that need to be hit just right. “Of course design is about creating something beautiful, but to bring all the elements together, designers must also consider something as Less is more: from the outside, the Velar model’s exquisite proportions and finely drawn lines achieve a unique balance of formality and sleek muscularity 26 * Driving while distracted can result in loss of vehicle control. Do not operate, adjust or view the navigation or multimedia systems under conditions that will affect your safety or the safety of others. Only use cell phones and other devices, even with voice commands, when it is safe to do so.